The Fall Choral Concert will be held on Tuesday 10/04/16 at 7 pm at the Zionsville Performing Arts Center. Come watch the Royalaires and Choralaires perform along with all of the amazing ZCHS choirs. Tickets go on sale Monday 09/26/16 at 9 am. Just click the link below to order your tickets.
Varsity Brands Award Winner
2016 Finale Details
Tickets can be purchased by senior families on April 13th and by everyone else on April 18th:
- Via the “Get Tickets Online” link to the right on this page
- Through a scheduled appointment with Rachel Shafer, Director of PAC
- At the Box Office evening of the event based on availability
Purchased tickets can be:
- Printed at home ($0.00)
- Sent to Mobile Phone ($0.00)
- Tickets by Mail ($2.00)
- If purchased within 7 days of the show, they can be picked up at Will Call.
Lobby will open at 5:30 pm on both nights, the House will open at 6:15 pm
Immediately following each performance a fun reception will be held for families and friends to gather and visit. Light refreshments will be served.
Save the Date
The ZSI Banquet will be on Sunday, May 15th at the Ritz Charles. This event is optional and there is a ticket price to cover the cost of the meal. We hope everyone will attend! It’s a wonderful way to celebrate our seniors and an incredible year. Additional information will be forthcoming.
2016 Competition Season Recap
Congratulations to the Royalaires, Choralaires, Combo and Crew on a fantastic 2016 competition season! The following is a summary of this season’s accomplishments and awards.
Pike Musicfest
Grand Champion
Best Vocals
Best Choreography
Best Performer – Megan Tiller
Best Female Soloist Mixed Division – Caitlin Parks
Grand Champion
Best Vocals
Best Choreography
Best Performer – Emme Korte
Best Female Soloist Unisex Division – Maddie Zimpfer
Best Band for both Mixed and Unisex Divisions
Best Technical Crew for Unisex Divisions
Heart of America Invitational – Nashville
Grand Champion
Best Vocals
Best Visuals
Best Female Soloist – Megan Tiller
Grand Champion
Huntington North Midwest Showcase
First Runner-Up
Best Performer – Michael Impicciche
Grand Champion
Best Vocals
Best Performer – Bailee Dodson
Best Band for both Unisex and Mixed Divisions
Best Instrumentalist Solo – Matthew MacLean
Best Synthesizer Solo – Joe Weddle
Best Percussion Award
Best Brass Award
Best Guitar Award
Best Technical Crew for both Unisex and Mixed Divisions
Lafayette Jefferson Xtreme Choir Showdown
Grand Champion
Best Vocals
Best Visuals
Best Show
Best Performer – Megan Tiller
Grand Champion
Best Performer – Ally Stroop
Best Band
Best Technical Crew