Tickes for this great event will go on sale September 1st and can be purchased via this link!
Summer 2015 Information
Year End Banquet Information
We hope you enjoyed Finale. Congratulations to all the performers, crew, and combo – it was a fantastic performance!
The End-of-Season Celebration Banquet is Sunday, May 17th at the Ritz Charles – 12156 North Meridian. Door open at 12:00pm and lunch is served at 12:45. Please note that you must have a reservation to attend.
See you there!
Finale Details
Silent Auction:
A silent auction will be held both nights in the lobby of the PAC, with all proceeds going towards Zionsville Showchoirs. While there are too may items to list here, a few highlights include:
Bright Eyes and a Dazzling Smile: Enhance your appearance with these two gift certificates to Zionsville Eye Care ($100) and Zimpfer Dental for teeth whitening. (Value: $625; Opening bid: $150)
Busy Show Choir Family: Our Sophomore families have drawn on their experience to provide the new show choir family some items that will be handy to have as you begin your ZSI adventure: Gift cards for Target, Jason’s Deli, Q’doba, Red Robin, Subway, Olive Garden, and Mike’s Car Wash; a cooler, Atomi charge card rechargeable battery bank, refreeze-able lunch bag, a Southern Living Cookbook for “Six O’Clock Solutions,” and a Zionsville Chamber of Commerce Gift Certificate. (Value: $413; Opening bid: $100)
By the “Z”: We love our Zionsville businesses, and they love us back! Get this fun combo pack featuring goodies from Inga’s Popcorn ($20 gift certificate), Patrick’s ($25 off $50 purchase), Moody’s Butcher Shop ($50 gift certificate), Zionsville sign from 530 Home, and 3 of the cutest t-shirts you’ve ever seen from the Zionsville Farmer’s Market. (Value: $150; Opening bid: $40)
Choralaires AND Royalaires Canvas Prints, 11 x 17: Donated by local photographer Danny Goff, these priceless portraits of the award-winning 2014-15 Choralaires and Royalaires (one each, sold separately) will evoke wonderful memories! (Starting bid: $100; Value: Priceless)
Defying Gravity: Give yourself a lift with a Women’s Cut & Eyebrow Wax at Cheveux, a Nerium combo pack (night cream, day cream and firming body contour cream–a $275 value from independent rep Adalyn Schillaci), and a fitness basket from ZFitClub, including flowers, shirt, sunglasses and a one-month pass to classes. (Value: $415; Opening bid: $100)
Graduation Goodies (Senior class): Here’s a great solution for the many graduation gifts on your list! The gift cards for Target, Bed Bath & Beyond, Starbucks and iTunes would be enough to get excited about, but when you see all of the other college essentials the senior class Moms have assembled…Wow! Everything from towels and tools to laundry supplies and study aids. (Value: $607.37; Opening bid: $200)
On the Radio #1: Join IU Basketball legend (and ZSI Dad!) Dan Dakich for his popular radio show on ESPN affiliate, The Fan. (We hear he sings. A LOT.) (Value: Priceless; Opening bid: $75; Buy It Now: $600)
Pitch Perfect (Junior Class Basket): Veteran ZSI parents have assembled this collection that includes, in addition to the Pitch Perfect DVD, necessities for being a Show Choir Family: $100 Mary Kay gift certificate, gift cards for Target, Meijer, Olive Garden, Starbucks, Speedway, Panera, Kern Brothers, Kinney Dancewear, and Subway; a portable charging block, fuzzy blanket, travel coffee mug, and various other items you’ll need during competition season. (Value: $515; Opening bid: $100)
Simply Irresistible. Bid on this beautiful, Vintage Lace Necklace by Israeli designer Mariana. Donated by Robert Goodman Jewelers, a long-standing supporter of Zionsville Show Choirs. (Value: $230; Opening bid: $75.00)
VIP Parking Spot: Front row parking for your family during the 2015-16 academic year–right across from the all-important “Door 2.” (Value: Priceless; Opening bid: $100; Buy It Now: $800)
ZCHS Graduation Package. Our ZCHS administration has donated this PRICELESS package…one reserved student/family parking space and 7 reserved seats for the graduation of the class of 2015. (Value: Priceless; Opening bid: $150; Buy It Now: $1500)
Make sure to bid on these and the other great items!
Tickets can be purchased:
- Via the “Get Tickets Online” link to the right on this page
- Online at Zvilleperformingarts.org
- Through a scheduled appointment with Rachel Shafer, Director of PAC
- At the Box Office evening of the event based on availability
Purchased tickets can be:
- Printed at home ($0.00)
- Sent to Mobile Phone ($0.00)
- Tickets by Mail ($2.00)
- If purchased within 7 days of the show, they can be picked up at Will Call.
Lobby will open at 5:30 pm on both nights, the House will open at 6:15 pm
Immediately following each performance a fun reception will be held for families and friends to gather and visit. Light refreshments will be served.
Save the Date
The ZSI Banquet will be on Sunday, May 17th at the Ritz Charles. This event is optional and there is a ticket price to cover the cost of the meal. We hope everyone will attend! It’s a wonderful way to celebrate our seniors and an incredible year. Additional information will be forthcoming.