Tickets for the Winter Concert on March 3, 2015 will go on sale tomorrow, Monday, February 23, 2015 at 9:00 am. To get your tickets please choose the Get Tickets Online link on the right hand side of this webpage. The tickets for this event are festival seating.
Crew & Crew Dad Spiritwear Ordering
Click the following links to view the spiritwear catalogs and order forms for:
Crew Catalog
Crew Order Form
Crew Dads Catalog
Crew Dads Order Form
Order forms will be taken with payment in full to ZSI before February 6th. All orders must include a completed order form and payment in full before they can be processed. Please make checks payable to ZSI or exact cash is accepted.
Crew orders can be handed to Sarah or Claire or mailed to the address on the order form. Crew Dad order forms can be mailed to the address on the form. Orders will be delivered to the Crew and/or Crew Dads before the first competition.
For more information or if you have questions about any product please email [email protected]
Spiritwear & Charm Information
ZSI Spiritwear sales have concluded.
Click the following links to view the spiritwear catalogs for Girls, Guys, Accessories, Family & Friends, and Crew Dads.
Order forms will be taken with payment in full to ZSI on the 29th or can be mailed or dropped off to Karen Barnes at the address on the order form. All orders must include a completed order form and payment in full before it can be processed. Checks made payable to ZSI or exact cash accepted. Orders take 4 to 6 weeks to fulfill. You will be contacted in November when your order is ready to be picked up.
Souvenir Royalaire and Choralaire charms in sterling silver or 10K gold are available to be ordered all year long. Inventory is not in stock and may take 6 to 8 weeks to fulfill. Please use attached charm order form or email Karen Barnes at [email protected] with any specific questions about spiritwear.
THANK YOU for your support of ZSI.
Fall 2014 Events
Upcoming Events
Fall Festival – Saturday, September 6th
Students participating in the Fall Festival Parade need to watch for their morning report time to be announced. Performance in Lions Park under the tent will be around 1:00pm. Students will be dismissed from Lion’s Park.
Football Concession Stand Fundraiser – September 12th
The show choirs will work the football concession stand on Friday, September 12th. This is a great team builder and fundraiser. Stay tuned for more information and sign-up opportunities. Note: Parent Volunteers will be needed.
ZSI Parent Meeting – Thursday, September 18th
The next Parent Meeting will take place at the high school in the Old Auditorium at 6:30pm on Thursday, September 18th. Please enter Door 2. Lots of information concerning the upcoming year will be shared!
Fall Choral Concert Tickets Go On Sale – September 29th
Starting at 9:00 am on Monday, September 29th, tickets will go on sale for the Fall Choral Concert. Go to and click the link or go directly to the PAC website: